Let’s get right to it! Below is the list of our 2023 CUPAC/CULAC Holiday Sweepstakes winners from the total prize package of $5,000!
$100 – Five winners
And finally, our $1,000 GRAND PRIZE winner!
The winners and a video of the drawing are also posted here on the DakCU website. Congratulations to all of our winners, and once again, thank you for your continued support of our credit union advocacy efforts! Contact John Alexander or Chesney Garnos to learn more about how you can support CUPAC/CULAC fundraising at your credit union. The Credit Union Political Action Committee (CUPAC) and Credit Union Legislative Action Council (CULAC) are vehicles through which a credit union advocate can actively participate in advancing the future of the credit union industry. One of the charges of our Government Affairs Committees (GAC) is to raise donations and awareness for our CUPAC/CULAC funds. Contributions are put to use helping elect candidates who understand the credit union difference and who will fight to ensure that credit unions remain the best financial services option for consumers. Candidate support decisions are based firmly on the support of credit unions without regard to party affiliation. Comments are closed.
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November 2024