The broad credit union system is made up of organizations at the local, state, and national levels. Expanding in their scope of both geography and membership, the tiers grow from natural person credit unions, to chapters, to your Dakota Credit Union Association (DakCU), to the Credit Union National Association (CUNA). Local chapters help keep geographically close credit unions cooperating and sharing resources. Together with your association, chapters also help to coordinate credit union advocates and support community impact projects in the spirit of collaboration.
The DakCU network of credit union chapters provide those in the industry opportunities to network and connect with other credit union individuals. Each chapter has its own elected board of directors which includes a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. Chapter meetings, as well as educational and advocacy events are held at various times throughout the year to discuss current credit union issues and trends. Credit union professionals also expand their network of peers as they participate in service projects and socialize.
DakCU supports chapters by distributing chapter meeting notices, attending the gatherings, and often speaking and providing important information and resources at chapter events. Chapters serve as a forum for teaching and a means for publicizing the benefits of the movement. All chapter activities, whether they involve sharing best practices, educating credit union staff, or supporting the local community, are united by the common objective of fostering the growth of the credit union movement.
The DakCU network of credit union chapters provide those in the industry opportunities to network and connect with other credit union individuals. Each chapter has its own elected board of directors which includes a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. Chapter meetings, as well as educational and advocacy events are held at various times throughout the year to discuss current credit union issues and trends. Credit union professionals also expand their network of peers as they participate in service projects and socialize.
DakCU supports chapters by distributing chapter meeting notices, attending the gatherings, and often speaking and providing important information and resources at chapter events. Chapters serve as a forum for teaching and a means for publicizing the benefits of the movement. All chapter activities, whether they involve sharing best practices, educating credit union staff, or supporting the local community, are united by the common objective of fostering the growth of the credit union movement.
Chapter Meetings & Events
Credit union professionals and volunteers are invited to join their credit union chapters for events focused on education and networking.
Active Chapters in the Dakotas
For questions regarding the Foundation, please contact:
North Dakota
Credit Unions United Chapter | Chair – Jennifer Jerauld, Town & Country CU
James Valley Chapter | Chair – Mary Radenz, First Community CU
Maurie C. Byrne Chapter | Chair – Lacey Fetsch, University FCU
Missouri Valley Chapter | Chair, Brooke Johnson, Capital CU
North Central Chapter | Chair, Tiffani Crist, First Community FCU
Red River Chapter | Chair, Korianne Mortenson, United Savings CU
South Dakota
Central Chapter | Chair, Tiffanie Kouf, M-O FCU
Golden Pheasant Chapter | Chair, Steve Streier, AREA Federal CU
SE 605 Chapter | Chair, Joey Rotert, Sioux Falls FCU
Credit Unions United Chapter | Chair – Jennifer Jerauld, Town & Country CU
James Valley Chapter | Chair – Mary Radenz, First Community CU
Maurie C. Byrne Chapter | Chair – Lacey Fetsch, University FCU
Missouri Valley Chapter | Chair, Brooke Johnson, Capital CU
North Central Chapter | Chair, Tiffani Crist, First Community FCU
Red River Chapter | Chair, Korianne Mortenson, United Savings CU
South Dakota
Central Chapter | Chair, Tiffanie Kouf, M-O FCU
Golden Pheasant Chapter | Chair, Steve Streier, AREA Federal CU
SE 605 Chapter | Chair, Joey Rotert, Sioux Falls FCU
For questions regarding chapters, please contact:
Jeff Olson |