Greetings and welcome to Daylight Savings Time! “Uff da,” that first work Monday after the time change is a cruel one. Seems with each passing “spring ahead,” there is much more to adjusting to Daylight Saving Time than just turning the clocks on Saturday night or early Sunday morning. Many of us (me included) struggle adapting to the time adjustment for the first few weeks. We can thank Benjamin Franklin for impacting our quality of sleep. The inventor, patriot and founding father came up with the concept in 1872. The United States did experiment with the DST in 1918 during World War I, but it did not really take hold until after World War II. Then in 1966 the Uniform Time Act standardized the dates for the beginning and ending of DST. Since 2007, DST was set to start on the second Sunday in March and end on the first Sunday in November. Hawaii and Arizona are the only states that do not recognize Daylight Savings Time. North Dakota CU Advocates Share Concerns with Senator Hoeven. Last week, the Dakota Credit Union Association, along with 20 North Dakota credit union advocates and leaders, visited with Senator Hoeven (ND-R) and his staff about issues and concerns impacting credit unions and their members. Normally, this meeting takes place in person during the CUNA GAC in Washington, D.C. However, the new norm these days is to meet on a virtual platform. During our 45-minute dialogue with the senator and his staff, we shared that credit unions appreciated the steps taken by the 116th Congress that helped keep us in a position to serve our members during the early stages of pandemic. We also stressed as Congress considers additional pandemic recovery legislation, they should consider and pass a robust national data security standard to keep Americans personal and financial data safe; as the deficit rises to unprecedented levels, that we can preserve the credit union income tax status so that credit unions continue to deliver financial benefits that to their members; and that Congress and the administration should resist the impulse to reverse the last four years of regulatory changes or impose new requirements that could impair credit unions’ work to improve their members’ financial well-being and advance the communities they serve. North Dakota Credit Unions will also be hosting Congressman Kelly Armstrong on Tuesday at 1:30 PM CT. You can register to participate here. Plans are still in the works to host a virtual meeting with Senator Cramer later this month or in early April. South Dakota Credit Unions to Meet virtually with Delegation this week. Virtual “Hike the Hill” meetings are on the schedule this week with all three of our South Dakota members of Congress. If you haven’t yet, be sure to register now.
Celebrating our Women Credit Union Leaders. March is Women’s History Month, and women have played an integral part in the founding of our movement, like Louise Herring and Dora Maxwell who realized the financial services of the time were leaving too many behind. Both attended the 1934 meeting in Estes Park, Colorado that established CUNA, and both leave behind a legacy that we all look up to. It is no coincidence that we honor outstanding credit unions each year with awards named after these inspirational leaders. Here in the Dakotas, we are extremely proud of the fact that 59 percent of the CEOs are women, putting our two states among the top in the nation for women executives. Last week we celebrated Melanie Stillwell, President/CEO of Western Cooperative Credit Union (Williston) and Andrea Berg, Branch Manager at Capital Credit Union, (Fargo) as two of the “Top 25 Women in Business for 2021” by the Prairie Business Magazine. In case you missed it, here is the Memo article. Congratulations to these two outstanding leaders on this recognition and to our many women leaders in the movement in our Dakota region who are working hard every day to improve the financial well-being of their members. New Partnership with Canidae Consulting As you know, we are continually looking for new ways to add value to your business through your DakCU membership. That is why we are excited to announce a new partnership with Jim Kasch/Canidae Consulting and its partner companies. Through this arrangement with Jim and his colleagues, we are bringing top level strategic planning services, leadership development programs, member survey solutions, and other great programs to our member credit unions. You may recall Jim from the MonDak conference in Vegas. If not, your first opportunity to meet him is April 1st as he will be a guest during our virtual CEO Town Hall. You can also see and hear Jim in action when he makes his appearance as one of our featured speakers at this year’s Summit. Be sure to catch the full story in today’s Memo for more details about Jim’s services. Heads Up for Youth Month It does not seem possible, but we are already halfway through March – which means Youth Month in April will be here before we know it. Be sure to watch our Facebook page for fun “financial well-being” style memes that you can share to promote #CUYouthMonth or email Shawn Brummer for the set of 10 graphics that you can use whenever you wish. We also have some promotional deals planned for our Pee Wee and Friends® subscribers, so watch for a special email coming later this month. Upcoming Events to Keep in Mind Dakota Credit Union CEO Virtual Town Hall We have scheduled a Dakota Credit Union Virtual Town Hall for CEOs on Thursday, April 1 at 11:00 a.m. CT. We will use the time to provide updates on our legislative work in both South Dakota and North Dakota, share important updates on regulatory matters, and introduce the exclusive strategic leadership partnership with Jim Kasch. Invites have been sent, if you did not receive the invite be sure to contact me. Position Your CU for the Future It’s not too late to register for Ctrl+Alt+Innovate on April 7 - 8, a virtual innovation conference featuring demos and panel discussions from six technology companies, as well as three “tech talk” breakouts, and a keynote session. Advance your fintech knowledge, power your financial growth, and position your credit union for the future. Two half-days for just $99! Our Signature Event – The Annual Summit Don’t miss our biggest event of the year – the Annual Summit May 3 – 4 with outstanding educational sessions including branding, credit union law and compliance, succeeding in a competitive market, as well as industry economics and leadership development. Along with our Annual Business Meeting and elegant Awards Banquet, this is the one event you do not want to miss. We are also providing a Crasher program this year, so consider sending one (or more) of your emerging credit union leaders. Crashers’ registration fees are FREE and the deadline to apply is March 31. Have a great week! President/CEO
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