Did you know Dakota Credit Union Association provides a variety of educational opportunities and professional development resources for your staff and members?
We partner with other organizations to provide quality educational webinars. Additionally, self-study courses and online classes are also offered through Credit Union National Association (CUNA). As an association member, many of these sessions are offered to you below market cost. On the Dakota Credit Union Association website, click the “Member Resources” link, and then select “Professional Development” link, and click “Training,” to see what is available. We currently have a variety of upcoming sessions from OnCourse Learning, the Credit Union Webinar Network, and CUNA. Just click the logo icons to see what each company is offering. Another way you can get a quick overview of upcoming training opportunities is to simply select “News & Events” from the home page, and then select “Events Calendar.” Here, you can filter the search to show you month by month or by webinars only. This is a quick and easy way to see at a glance if there is an upcoming session you may be interested in. It’s also a great way to stay “in the know” for all upcoming DakCU events. We hope you are enjoying our revamped website and that you are able to find everything you are looking for! Be sure to contact Deb Kruckenberg if you need assistance or are looking for a particular type of training. Comments are closed.
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February 2025