Members of the South Dakota Central Chapter of Credit Unions recently gathered at the Salvation Army in Huron, SD to donate items to the food pantry. A combination of employees, members, and volunteers contributed to this donation effort, which happened over a one-month time frame.
Central Chapter President, Tiffanie Kouf, visited with the Salvation Army and learned they are seeing an increase in single parents come through for assistance. Many of these individuals are young themselves and are grateful for easy meal solutions. With this in mind, items donated consisted mostly of canned fruits and vegetables, easy meal prep items, canned soups, pancake mixes, boxed dinner solutions, and the like to help fill the voids on the shelves. Pictured are members of the Chapter: Gail Broer, Tiffanie Kouf, Shelby Gondzar, Dawn Mutchelknaus, Shari Blue, along with Lieutenant Matthew of the Salvation Army. The South Dakota Central Chapter of Credit Unions is made up of six credit unions, which include Dakotaland Federal Credit Union (FCU), M-O FCU, HB Telco FCU, Huron Area Education FCU, Dakota Rail Line FCU, all of Huron, and Oahe FCU of Pierre. Also, the Pierre branch of Black Hills FCU is an associate chapter member. Comments are closed.
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February 2025