The Cooperative Trust, CUNA, and state leagues/associations are once again joining forces to get 50 Crashers to this year’s CUNA GAC!
If you haven’t heard, “Crashers” are simply young credit union professionals, age 40 and under, who are sponsored to attend the conference with no registration fees AND with additional content designed especially for emerging leaders. Applications are easy, and the entire experience is both career-changing and career enhancing! Why should you consider this opportunity?
The 2022 CUNA Governmental Affairs Conference (GAC) takes place February 26 - March 3 in Washington, DC. Crasher applications are open until December 3. APPLY NOW! Refer a Crasher! Do you know an emerging leader who would be interested in Crashing the CUNA GAC? We are taking referrals and will reach-out and share the “nudge” to apply on your behalf! Click here to refer a Crasher now or you can email your suggestions to Shawn Brummer, DakCU Communications Specialist. Comments are closed.
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February 2025