We often hear the same comment about the “Open Your Eyes to a Credit Union” awareness campaign from many of the sponsors: “Why don’t I see the paid ads in my market?”
While you may feel because you don’t see it on social media, the campaign is failing or isn’t visible to anyone – that simply is not true! The campaign is functioning precisely as designed – specifically targeting Millennials who are in the market for financial services. In fact, between July 2020 and March 2021, more than 4.56 MILLION consumers visited YourMoneyFurther.com – mostly directed from the digital ads. Plus, the average age of those engaging with the digital campaign is 32 years, and 91% of those who were “served” ads click through to learn more. Still not convinced? How about these statistics:
Campaign continues to grow. The campaign continues to grow, as Montana launched their campaign in March, and Wyoming will officially launch as the 26th state to join the initiative on April 26th! New customizable social media assets. CUNA just released a variety of new customizable campaign creative that credit unions can use in their organic digital channels. These assets are available now on Contributor HQ – free for all campaign contributors! One more fun fact. According to Quantcast data, YourMoneyFurther.com visitors are horror movie buffs who just might be munching on Tostitos while they’re watching! *81% of visitors are horror movie buffs, and 64% of visitors are known or likely purchasers of Tostitos. Source: Quantcast. Go to: cuna.org/awareness to learn more and please contact Jeff Olson, DakCU President/CEO with any questions. Comments are closed.
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February 2025