The unification of the two national credit union associations (CUNA and NAFCU) into one united America’s Credit Unions (ACU) became official on January 1, 2024. The newly combined association will continue to help Americans achieve their best financial lives, as credit unions strive to promote financial well-being for all. Along with the ACU executive committee, the transitional board of directors includes regional representation from across the country, including one from the Dakotas: Jeff Olson, president/CEO of the Dakota Credit Union Association. The full list of America’s Credit Unions Transition Board Members includes:
Jeff Olson has been the president/CEO of Dakota Credit Union Association since 2015. Prior to that he served as the EVP of Government Affairs for seven years. During his tenure at the association, he has served on the national industry stage in multiple leadership roles, including serving as chair of the American Association of Credit Union Leagues Executive Board, the CUNA Board of Directors, and the Credit Union Legislative Action Committee, to name a few. Before joining the association, Olson was a partner in an advertising and marketing firm that specialized in public and media relations; corporate image branding; strategic marketing planning; and creative writing and production. He also has served as a political strategist and consultant on several legislative campaigns and initiated measures throughout North Dakota. Comments are closed.
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