It can be said that good employees are the key to any successful business. However, finding great talent is just the first step – keeping them is the next.
An HSA option can strengthen staff loyalty. Data shows that 79% of employees list “competitive benefits” as a deciding factor when considering job opportunities. The dilemma for employers is how to offer a great benefits package within a budget, while positioning it to support both recruiting and retention of top talent. A new plan – a new benefit design. Many successful employers, faced with rising healthcare costs, are turning to HSAs (health savings accounts) as a way to expand benefits while staying within budget. The primary purpose of an HSA is for workers to set aside pre-tax income to pay current and future medical expenses not covered by health insurance. HSA tax advantages. HSAs can encourage savings with powerful tax advantages:
Plan for the future. A well-funded and carefully managed HSA could play an important role in your long-term retirement strategy. Another benefit of an HSA is account funds not needed for health expenses are available for any other purpose after you reach age 65. You can also pay current medical expenses out of pocket and preserve accumulated HSA assets for use during retirement. Ready to learn more? There are many other factors and rules to consider when implementing an HSA. That is why DakCU is offering a low-cost webinar on Tuesday, August 22nd at 10:00 a.m. (CT). During this 90-minute session, attendees will learn:
Learn more about how an HSA option for your employees can expand benefits in a desirable and affordable way for your credit union! REGISTER HERE for just $79! Comments are closed.
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September 2024