by Chesney Garnos, Director of Political & Grassroots Affairs
Take Action Now on the Credit Card Competition Act! Your voice and advocacy play a pivotal role. Please reach out to lawmakers immediately to stress that the interchange bill should not be tacked on to any legislation moving through Congress or the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). It's vital for credit unions to unite and engage our employees and even members to tackle this interchange issue head-on. By acting together, we can ensure our united stance is clearly recognized. Take action today to safeguard the rights and interests of credit unions and their members. National Update Before jumping into what’s ahead for this week at the national level, here's a brief update on our recent national advocacy efforts:
It’s another busy week on Capitol Hill as the deadline for the remaining six appropriations bills is this Friday. Stay informed on our tracked national legislation here; make sure to filter by the term “federal.” You can find this week’s hearings to tune into below:
South Dakota Legislative Update We are one week away from Veto Day, so I figured now would be a great time to provide a little history into the structure of the South Dakota legislative days. The South Dakota Legislature is established by Article III of the Constitution of South Dakota as a bicameral legislative body. Legislative sessions can run for up to 40 days every year, depending on the calendar set by the legislature. This year’s session will come to a total of 38 legislative days. Last but certainly not least, I wanted to provide a list of advocacy dates to save on your calendars! May:
Outside of these dates, you are welcome to schedule an advocacy presentation or payroll deduction training with me for your credit union! Simply email me and we will schedule a time. Comments are closed.
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February 2025