by Chesney Garnos, Director of Political & Grassroots Affairs
Exciting news! Our silent auction and gift card raffle is back at this year's Summit to support the Roger Heacock Scholarship Fund! You can make a difference in enhancing and advancing our credit union advocacy. Funds raised from the auction and raffle are used to provide financial assistance scholarships to credit union professionals from North and South Dakota who attend the national Governmental Affairs Conference in Washington, DC, and other meetings, such as our fall “Hike the Hill.” Since 2008, 88 scholarships have been awarded for a total of $70,000 allowing many individuals to become more engaged and involved in the credit union movement! We are inviting you to join the Summit silent auction in person or online! You can participate in this year’s silent auction and gift card raffle starting at 8:20 a.m. on Wednesday, May 15, until 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 16. All bids will be submitted and winners notified through the ClickBid platform. Be sure to register in advance by texting DakCU to 56651 or visit You could win some amazing prizes while contributing to a great cause! There is also an opportunity for your credit union to give back! We are now seeking and accepting items for this year’s silent auction! Here are some donation ideas that have proven very popular in the past:
If you are donating an item:
Important auction details for bidders:
For the winners:
We are looking forward to another successful fundraiser at this year’s Annual Summit taking place May 14 – 16 right outside Sioux Falls, SD, at Grand Falls Casino! If you have any questions, please feel reach out to me at [email protected]. Comments are closed.
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November 2024