The Dakota Credit Union Foundation held an in-person meeting on Tuesday, August 15th at the Delta Hotel in Fargo just prior to the DakCU Professionals Forum. Attending the meeting were board members Keith Mantz, Jim Schaefbauer, Jeff Olson, Holly Steier, and Kylee Lemieux. Also attending were Paige Langhoff, recording secretary, and Shawn Brummer, Foundation communications liaison.
The Foundation received a $100 memorial donation in honor of Al Dreesman, longtime board member of Service First FCU. (As a reminder, anyone can make a memorial donation at any time by visiting the Foundation Page on the DakCU website for the “In Loving Memory” link.) We are thrilled to report the annual Golf Scramble on August 16th at Rose Creek Golf Course in Fargo raised $25,000 for Sanford Children’s Hospital to be dedicated to the new micropreemie care unit. Approximate revenue from registration/sponsorships was $13K; Co-op Miracle Match $5K; raffles & Play Yellow merchandise sales $3K; Red River Chapter $1,000 donation; Foundation additional donation estimated $3K. The Foundation Board would like to thank our many sponsors, individuals, and teams who participated for making this our most successful Golf Scramble to date! Once again, Dakota Credit Unions showed their overwhelming support for our local CMN Hospitals. In other business, a $2,000 donation was approved for the CUAid Maui wildfire relief fund, and a $1,000 donation to the CUAid general fund. An expenditure was also approved to send Shawn Brummer to the AACUL meetings in December to participate in the State Credit Union Foundation (SCUF) Network track. Finally, by vote it was decided to invest $100K into a certificate with Millennium Corporate for one year at their current rate of 5.75%. Comments are closed.
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