Many say that agricultural lending is one of the most difficult types of credit to understand. There are many variables such as weather, commodity prices, health of crops or critters, technology, leverage, and management skill that greatly impact the producer’s ability to generate income sufficient to pay operating expenses and retire your debt in an orderly manner.
Understanding the risk in your borrower can help you minimize losses and maximize profit in the loan portfolio. Would you like to learn more about basic skills in understanding the producer’s cash flow, management ability, and credit risk? “Introduction to Agricultural Lending” is a new offering from our friends at Pactola! This is a four-part series that begins on February 23rd at 2 p.m. (CT) with additional classes at the same time on March 2, 9, and 16th. The class will help develop a foundation of understanding agricultural credit for the lender to build on throughout their career. By the end of the course, you will have developed a solid foundation of understanding agricultural credit, including:
All this for just $449 – plus, if you credit union is an owner of Pactola, you will receive a 25% discount using “pactolaown25” coupon code at checkout. Click here to learn more or to register. Contact Phil Love, president of Pactola with any questions. Comments are closed.
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February 2025