A new (and FREE) monthly webinar series from CSS will take on the hot, priority topics in the credit union movement and connect you with alliance providers that can help you safeguard your credit union against threats and bridge the gaps that prevent your credit union from growing and thriving.
According to the FTC (Federal Trade Commission), people reported losing $10 billion to scams in 2023. That’s $1 billion more than 2022 and the highest ever in losses reported to the FTC, even though the number of fraud reports (2.6 million) was about the same as last year. In this month’s episode of Safeguarding Your Credit Union’s Future on Wednesday, August 28 at 2:00 p.m. (CT) we’ll share some key insights and tools available to position credit unions to help their members beat fraudsters at their own game. Join us as we explore opportunities to take a proactive posture to protect your members from fraud at the transactional level, and also how to quickly jump into action and prevent further negative impact in the event a member is impacted by fraud. Key topics for discussion include:
The webinar is brought to you by CUNA Strategic Services, Carefull, Illuma and Nasdaq Verafin with featured speakers including: Barb Lowman, CSS; Todd Rovak, Carefull; Milind Borkar, Illuma; and Corey Lynch, Nasdaq Verafin. Don’t miss out on this session! Can’t attend? Register now and you will receive a link to the recorded webinar. Comments are closed.
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February 2025